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Quotes From Class Three Discussions Emails

Full index of Emails is HERE

Date/Time From To Quote Reference
May 30, 2018, 8:24pm David Aderhold, Ed. D. WW Township, et. al. "Time is of the essence and we need to move this forward" [REF]
June 14, 2018, 12:42pm Mayor Marathe School Board President and Superintendent "In my 9 years as school board President and 6 months as mayor I have yet not lost a vote and I am not about to start now." [REF]
June 14, 2018, 12:27pm David Aderhold, Ed. D. Mayor and School Board President "I will say what needs to be said very publically if the council steps out of line." [REF]
June 14, 2018, 12:42pm Mayor Marathe School Board President and Superintendent "As I mentioned to you if anyone asks you any questions regarding the police, i.e. hiring, training, discipline etc you simply turn to them and say it's the Mayor's call and let me handle it. You should respond to what the officers are allowed to participate in during school. ... As I refer questions about "whether to have officer in school" to you, you should refer all questions regarding police to me ..." [REF]
June 20, 2018, 5:16pm Mayor Marathe School Superintendent, "I am going to pull in questions from all three ladies so far and sort them as to which I want you to answer and which I want Mark to answer and which questions I will handle." [REF]
July 5, 2018, 10:13pm David Aderhold, Ed. D. Mayor Marathe, et. al. "An unarmed officer makes no sense. There is no validity to that. It doesn't make common sense." [REF]
June 4, 2018, 1:56pm Anthony Cancro David Aderhold, Ed. D., et. al. "Budget ... certain officer 'other expenses' are not mentioned, including ... Physicals/psych examines ..." [REF]
July 19, 2018, 10:16pm David Aderhold, Ed. D. A member of WW Council "You are not being asked to make a decision on spending." [REF]