Sarnoff Documents, West Windsor Site
- Enforcement Actions, including operating an unauthorized particle accelerator and failure to monitor for uranium.
- Program interest #008514:
site detail,
case tracking
- Activity #150001:
fact sheet,
case activity,
case oversight
- Activity #160001:
case activity,
case oversight,
Legal notice in Star Ledger, May 24, 2021
Text of legal notice:
Notification of Environmental Investigation
Former David Sarnoff Research Center
201 Washington Road, West Windsor Township, NJ 08540 Tax Block 5 / Lot 8.05 and Block 44 / Lot 6
NJDEP Program Interest Number 008514
May 2021
In accordance with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) regulations for "Notification and Public Outreach", General Electric Company (GE) is required to provide information relating to environmental conditions and remedial activities being conducted at the above referenced site.
Former operations conducted at the site include research and development associated with electronic innovations. Chemicals associated with site operations include, but may not be limited to, tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE), and were initially detected in groundwater at the site in 1982. Recent groundwater investigation activities have identified that these chemicals have migrated in the groundwater offsite to the northeast. GE will continue to investigate until the extent of these chemicals in groundwater is determined.
GE is conducting investigation activities in accordance with the requirements of the NJDEP to address the chemical constituents detected. GE has evaluated the potential impact to receptors in the area, including potable wells, to ensure that any impacts to receptors are promptly mitigated. It is important to know that the community is served with a safe reliable drinking water provided by the public water purveyor.
For additional information or to obtain a copy of the complete fact sheet for this site, please contact Mr. Lewis Streeter of GE at 518-388-7552 or Mr. Christopher Motta, the Licensed Site Remediation Professional, at 201-398-4380. 5/24/21 $93.00