ORDINANCE 2020-05 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT THE CODE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST WINDSOR( 1999) AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE PENNS NECK BUSINESS COMMERICAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Council of the Township of West Windsor, County of Mercer, State of New Jersey, as follows: Section 1. The Route 1 Penns Neck Business Commercial Redevelopment Plan attached hereto is hereby adopted. A copy of the Redevelopment Plan is on file in the Clerk' s office. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect twenty days after action or inaction by the Mayor as approved by law or an override of a mayoral veto by the Council, whichever is applicable; upon filing with the Mercer County Planning Board; and upon publication according to law. Introduction: January 13, 2020 Public Hearing: January 27, 2020 Amended: January 27, 2020 Re-introduced: February 10, 2020 Adoption: Mayor' s Approval: Effective Date: Route 1 Penns Neck Business Commercial Redevelopment Plan Draft Version 3. 0 (2/10/20) Township of West Windsor | Mercer County, New Jersey Burgis Associates, Inc. COMMUNITY PLANNING LAND DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Principals: Joseph H. Burgis PP, AICP Edward Snieckus, Jr. PP, LLA, ASLA David Novak PP, AICP Route 1 Penns Neck Business Commercial Redevelopment Plan Township of West Windsor Mercer County, New Jersey Prepared for the Township of West Windsor Planning Board BA# 3576.25 The original document was appropriately signed and sealed on _______ in accordance with Chapter 41 of Title 13 of the State Board of Professional Planners ______________________________ Joseph H. Burgis PP, AICP Professional Planner #2450 ______________________________ David Novak, AICP, PP Professional Planner #6269 Members of the Township of West Windsor Planning Board Gene O' Brien, Chair Michael Karp, Vice Chair Hemant Marathe, Mayor Sue Appelget, Class IV Anis Baig, Class IV Linda Geevers, Class III Curtis Hoberman, Class II Michael Huey, Class IV Simon Pankove, Class IV Allen Schectel, Alternate Planning Board Attorney Gerald Muller, Esq. Administrative Secretary Lisa Komjati Recording Secretary Rita Bergen Manager, Division of Land Use Samuel J. Surtees Township Engineer Francis Guzik, PE Township Landscape Architect Daniel Dobromilsky, PLA, PP, LTE Township Planning Consultant Joseph H. Burgis PP, AICP David Novak PP, AICP Burgis Associates, Inc. [Table of contents omitted] Introduction On April 15, 2019, the West Windsor Township Council authorized the Township Planning Board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine if the Penns Neck area along the US Route 1 Corridor between Mather Avenue and Washington Road (hereinafter referred to as the" Study Area") constituted an " area in need of redevelopment" under the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law( LRHL). The Planning Board subsequently directed Burgis Associates, Inc. to prepare a planning analysis for the Board' s review and subsequent recommendation to the Township Council. As identified in the Township Council's authorizing resolution (see Appendix A), the Study Area consisted of ten separate (10) lots which are identified by the Official Tax Map of the Township of West Windsor as Block 38 Lots 1, 2, 3, 25, and 45, and Block 39 Lots 4, 5, 7, 16, and 27. The April 15, 2019 resolution also declared that the preliminary investigation of the Study Area was to be undertaken within the context of a " condemnation" redevelopment procedure. That is, if the Study Area or a portion thereof was determined to be an Area in Need of Redevelopment pursuant to the LRHL, it was to be designated a Condemnation Redevelopment Area. Such a designation would authorize the Township to use all those powers provided by the Legislature for use in a redevelopment area, including eminent domain. Following a public hearing held on July 24, 2019, the Planning Board ultimately determined and recommended that the entirety of the Study Area constituted an Area in Need of Redevelopment. Subsequently and pursuant to that recommendation, the Township Council adopted Resolution 2019- R191 on September 3, 2019 designating the entirety of the Study Area as Condemnation Redevelopment Area. That same resolution directed the Planning Board to prepare a condemnation redevelopment plan for the aforementioned lots. The Planning Board subsequently directed Burgis Associates, Inc. to prepare such a plan. Accordingly, the following Route 1 Penn' s Neck Area Redevelopment Plan ( hereinafter referred to as the "Redevelopment Plan" or the "Plan") is the culmination of the Planning Board' s efforts. It has been prepared for the entirety of the Route 1 Penns Neck Business Commercial Redevelopment Area. The Plan set forth herein is designed to affirmatively address the statutory criteria set forth in the LRHL, identify the Plan' s underlying goals and objectives, enumerate permitted uses as well as area and bulk regulations, and indicate its relationship to local, regional, and state land use planning objectives. [Remainder of document omitted]