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Penns Neck Destruction

This web page contains documents relating to neighborhood destruction in historic Penns Neck, West Windsor, NJ, specifically the redevelopment (including authorization of allowed eminent domain seizure of land by West Windsor Township) and displacement of residents in order to use the land for convenience stores, gas stations and other uses. This beautiful, quiet, residential neighborhood has thrived for 90 years.

Summary of Lots

Click to view an interactive map of the ten lots. Click HERE for detailed information on the ten parcels that make up the Penns Neck area to be destroyed.

Public Documents

Documents are listed most recent first.

July 17, 2023 Township Council • Resolution 2023-R149 (Full PDF (78 pp.)) authorizing the Redeveloper's Agreement with Penns Neck Associates, LLC to redevelop 10 lots in southwestern Penns Neck.
• Section 3.06(b) of the Agreement, on PDF page 20 of 78 (agreement page 12) promises that West Windsor Township use its power of eminent domain on behalf of the developer to seize, if necessary, any property not already held by the developer, and, in accordance with eminent domain law, retain the authority to evict residents currently living on those seized properties. The Agreement reads:
"... if the Township's bona-fide good faith negotiations to acquire the Third-Party Properties, or a portion thereof, through a negotiated purchase and sale from the respective Third-Party Property Owners are unsuccessful, as applicable, then the Township shall commence condemnation proceedings to acquire the remaining portion of the Third- Party Properties by eminent domain."
February 24, 2020 Township Council • Resolution 2020-05 (text excerpt | PDF, 41 pp. | Township PDF, 41 pp.) ordinance adopting the Penns Neck Business Redevelopment Plan and authorizing seizure, condemnation and commercial development of all 10 lots in southwestern Penns Neck.
• Resolution 2020-06 (text | PDF (10 pp.) | Township PDF, 10 pp.) creating for the new strip-mall area its own new zoning district, "RP-Penns Neck."

• Above two resolution approved 4-0 (Stevens absent) (video of vote at 277:42).
• The above two resolutions were formally re-introduced on February 10, 2020. Meeting Agenda | Video
January 27, 2020 Township Council • Resolution 2020-05 (text excerpt | PDF, 41 pp. | Township PDF, 41 pp.) ordinance adopting the Penns Neck Business Redevelopment Plan and authorizing seizure, condemnation and commercial development of all 10 lots in southwestern Penns Neck.
• Resolution 2020-06 (text | PDF (10 pp.) | Township PDF, 10 pp.) creating for the new strip-mall area its own new zoning district, "RP-Penns Neck."
• The above two resolutions were formally introduced on January 13, 2020. Meeting Agenda | Video
November 6, 2019 Planning Board • Meeting minutes, as text excerpt of Penns Neck portion and PDF) where the October 23, 2019 Redevelopment Plan was discussed, amended, and recommended to Council for acceptance by a 9-0 vote of the Planning Board.
• Meeting agenda (Township copy)
October 23, 2019 Burgis Associates Penns Neck Business Commercial Redevelopment Plan (40 pp.). Township copy: here. This study doubled (to 10) the number of Penns Neck lots recommended to be seized and condemned.
September 3, 2019 Township Council • Resolution 2019-R191 (text | PDF | Township PDF) authorizing seizure, condemnation and commercial development of all 10 lots in southwestern Penns Neck.
• Meeting minutes (22 pp.) (official), recording on p. 7 the 4-0 vote to pass 2019-R191, with "Aye" votes from Manzari, Geevers, Miller and Zhang.
July 24, 2019 Planning Board • Meeting minutes, as text excerpt of Penns Neck portion and PDF) where the July 3 study was discussed, and the Planning board voted 9-0 for the redevelopment area to be doubled from five to all ten lots.
• Meeting agenda (Township copy)
July 3, 2019 Burgis Associates Area in Need of Redevelopment Study (104 pp.), as obtained from the Township via OPRA. This document was formerly available from W. Windsor Township at this address, but has been deleted by the Township who have refused to reinstate it. This study recommended 5 lots for seizure and condemnation (see PDF p. 99 of 104), one of which is a six-household, occupied dwelling to be destroyed, with residents eventually displaced, solely to "make the project work."
April 15, 2019 Township Council • Resolution 2019-R090 (text | PDF | Township PDF) commencing the Penns Neck redevelopment project.
• Meeting minutes (30 pp.) (official), recording on p. 6 the 5-0 vote to pass, with "Aye" votes from Manzari, Geevers, Miller, Hamilton and Zhang.
March 11, 2019 Mercer County Record of sale of lot, Block 39, Lot 5, adjacent gas station, to Rathnaker Reddy Patlola of Plainsboro (LLC ownership claimed, unverified), via Vanara Properties, LLC, one month prior to Township commencement of redevelopment project.

Other Documents

Slide Show: The Planning Board Blob That Ate Penns Neck!

An eminent domain slide-show / horrow-show.

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