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From: "Krug, Dana" <>
Date: July 21, 2018 at 8:26:50 PM EDT
To: "Aderhold, David" <>
Subject: Fwd: West Windsor Township Meeting 7/30

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From: Eilleen Cardone <>
Date: July 21, 2018 at 7:37:41 PM EDT
To: <>, <>
Cc: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Subject: West Windsor Township Meeting 7/30

Good Evening,

I am writing to you as a concerned mother of an active second grader in WWP schools, and a 3 year old who would possibly attend in a few years.  I do not want additional armed police officers in our schools.  I would attend the meeting on 7/30 and express my opposition there, however I'm out of town with family.  If the council rejects, my understanding is the decision would go back to the BOE and parents opposed to this solution will have more of an opportunity to express our opinions to the BOE.  There have been several social media posts from the Mayor's office worded like the office is attempting to shut down communication, which is disheartening. 

My request is not coming from a lack of faith in our police department - I have the utmost respect for and trust in our officers.  I feel to better protect our children we need a balance of mental health support in addition to security.  Our high schoolers especially have an immediate need for additional mental health and counselor support, where I've read we have had repeat issues of depression, and suicide threats. 

I don't work in a building with an armed security guard, my daughter's daycare does not have armed security.  My son's elementary school does not need it, either.  There are other ways to create a secure building.  I feel the money is better used towards mental health screening and support, and I have no opposition to additional unarmed security.  I feel our community also deserves more information and opportunities to ask questions about this change in a non-hostile atmosphere with open dialogue, at hours of the day/week where most working parents are available to attend. 

What training will the active/retired officers have, and what support would they receive?  The Parkland security officer failed to help that situation - when was the last time he was evaluated or had a mental health screening?  Retired officers would be coming back into the workforce from years of exposure in a high-stress job, how would they be initially screened and then what kind of ongoing support would they receive, and how often would they be evaluated on an ongoing basis?

A balance of additional services to students and existing / proposed staff is just as important (in my opinion more important) as evaluating security needs.  

Again, I work in a secure but unarmed local building, as do many people.  I don't see the need for armed guards in our schools and I wasn't aware of this earlier BOE vote or I would have voiced my opinion at that time.

Thank you for your time and for listening to my opinion on this matter.


Eilleen Cardone

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