Dr. Aderhold, Thanks for copying me on the emails below. The comments directed about me were insulting, but most people in town know those words to be utterly untrue. Linda From: Aderhold, David [mailto:David.Aderhold@ww-p.org] Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 11:27 AM To: Linda Geevers; Hemant Marathe; Marlena Schmid Subject: FW: We do not need armed police patrolling our neighborhood schools! Good Morning, I was forwarded the below email this morning. I am unaware who the email went to but wanted to ensure that you were aware of the content and strategy. I have copied Mrs. Geevers as she is specifically referenced in the below. I did not believe the comments were fair to Mrs. Geevers or representative of her years of dedicated service in care of this community. I leave it to you to determine if the entire township council receives. Whatever your vote and determination, you should know the concerted efforts being made to stop the implementation of Class III Police Officers in our schools and target specific members of the township council. Sincerely, Dave Subject: Fwd: We do not need armed police patrolling our neighborhood schools! From: "willa inlender" > Date: July 16, 2018 at 9:50:49 PM EDT To: "willa inlender" > Subject: We do not need armed police patrolling our neighborhood schools! Hi Folks – I’ve recently been elected to serve as a Democratic Committee Person for District 10 of West Windsor. I’m contacting you because on July 30th at a West Windsor Township Council Meeting there will be a vote regarding the hiring of armed officers to patrol each of our neighborhood schools. This is something that I strongly oppose. It is an unnecessary, alarmist reaction to ‘what ifs’. There are other safety measures that may be taken by the schools, an armed police presence is not needed. As taxpayers too, this would be fiscally irresponsible because it is a hugely expensive policing program whose efficacy is not substantiated by data. Unfortunately, many residents are unaware of this issue, it’s important to get the word out so that people may weigh in…. I don't typically ask for favors, but if you’re like minded on this issue, please plan to attend the Meeting on July 30th. Whether your children have graduated from WWP schools or are still attending them, or you simply reside in WW, I believe that a favorable vote on contracting gunned police officers to patrol our schools will negatively impact the children and our community as a whole. The cost of such a policing program is significant and those funds would be better spent elsewhere within our educational system! Please take time to do some independent research on this as the potential impact of such a police patrol program in our schools is huge. (Below are 2 links, the first has additional imbedded links for you to peruse): http://wwpclass3.wordpress.com https;//www.washintonpost.com/outlook/school-shootings-are-extraordinarily-rare-why-is-fear-of-them-driving-policy/2018/03/08/f4ead9f2-2247-11e8-94da-ebf9d112159c_story.html?utm_term=.ad131bf91b22 Mark this date on your calendar: MONDAY, JULY 30TH, 7PM West Windsor Municipal Building Bottom line: There are 5 members on the WW Council. We believe 2 of them will vote YES. and 2 of them will vote NO. The 5th person is leaning YES (Linda Geevers), but we know from past issues that she sides with the most vocal and popular presence that attends the council meetings. We are hopeful that if we get a large turnout to this meeting (we’re counting on you and your friends, a 100 people or more), with many residents voicing their opposition during the public comment period, that Geevers will vote NO. Dan Weiss, also a concerned parent and community leader, spoke with Linda Geevers about this issue and believes she can be swayed by the presence of HS students, teachers (from all over, not just WW), psychologists/mental health professionals, lawyers and parents making public thoughtful, heartfelt statements. This is an opportunity for us to influence and make a difference. We can't do it by talking to each other, or making donations, or posting on social media. We have to show up! Please share this with other West Windsor residents. Since this is a public hearing, everyone in attendance is entitled to make a public statement. Statements are time limited to 3 minutes (included in your statement you must state your name and address). So, for example - “My name is xxx and I live at xxx. I have x children who will be attending WWP schools OR have attended WWP schools OR I am a student at xxx school... While the WW Police department does an excellent job in our community, I am opposed to hiring armed police officers on a permanent basis to patrol our WWP schools. Then pick a few points to state: • There is no data that shows the effectiveness of such a policing program. • There are numerous ways to improve school safety without bringing in armed police. • It is a significant expenditure of taxpayer funds, which could be better used for educational and counseling services. • Daily police presence can psychologically traumatize our children. • The contract as written is filled with ambiguity: devoid of any framework for the program's oversight or measurement, compounding a significant financial liability to the township. • The program will put WW schools beside Trenton and other inner city school districts, negatively impacting property values. Your public comments during the meeting can have an enormous impact, so come prepared to express yourself. Please commend our praiseworthy, first class WW Police Department and School District, while letting them know that they are on the wrong side of this issue! Proponents of hiring a police patrol will likely paint its opponents as anti-police which is simply untrue. 1. Please consider having a discussion with your children/friends/family to see if they would be willing to reach out to their friends to discuss this issue, and for those who share a similar view, encourage them to participate as well. 2. Please forward any friends email addresses (with their permission) so that we can extend our communication with like minded residents with the goal of getting their attendance at the next WW Council meeting on 7/30. Or forward this email to them… 3. If you know of any teachers who reside in WW who would be willing to make a public statement or teachers outside our district that are like minded, please email my contact info to them….! Thank you in advance for your willingness and determination to participate. Sincerely, Willa Inlender (WW Democratic Committee Person, District 10) Please be advised that the Township of West Windsor is subject to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act. As such, any email sent or received by the Township may be subject to a records request.