Good Afternoon,


Attached is a redline update of a few minor changes from our last version.  The BOE committees met in committee on Tuesday evening.  We have incorporated several minor changes.  I have also included language from Plainsboro Township’s Attorney under the Termination Clause, Pg. 7, section XI, item b.


I believe the changes are minor in nature and reflect all conversations to date.


Please let me know if the changes present any concerns.


I will then have a final version drawn up for WW (as it was easier to have changes reflected with one township for the purpose of review).  The goal is to have both the budget and Shared Service Agreement to you in PDF format for each township by noon tomorrow.


Presentations to WW Council and Plainsboro Committee are set for next week.  Further, the Board of Education is slated to vote on the Shared Service Agreement on Tuesday, June 26th .  This will be on our public agenda on Friday, June 22nd.


Thanks for all of your support.




David M. Aderhold

Superintendent of Schools

West Windsor – Plainsboro Regional School District

(609)716-5000 x5040



From: Aderhold, David
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2018 2:19 PM
To: 'Marlena Schmid'; Cancro, Anthony
Cc: Armour, Guy; Rob Garofalo; Tavener, Fred; Mark Lee (Police); Russo, Christopher; Joanne Louth; Hemant Marathe; Mark G. Toscano (
Subject: Tuesday, June 12th


Good Afternoon,


First, my thanks for your guidance and assistance on Tuesday. 


Second, we are confirmed for Tuesday, June 12th at 2:00 at the Board of Education Office.  Mark Toscano, district attorney, is also confirmed to join us.


As discussed, we are providing the Agreement in both a redline and clean format.  We updated many changes from our discussion.


From a logistics standpoint, due to the number of changes/updates we have only updated the Plainsboro Agreement.  Once the essence and materials terms of the Agreement are agree to, we can then create a separate document for West Windsor that would be specific as them – namely referencing their job titles, addresses, contact info etc.…


In addition, I have also attached a PDF copy of the law itself as same was requested by the representatives of West Windsor during the meeting earlier this week.


Lastly, I have attached a draft copy of the budget.  I incorporated in all budgetary requests from the list provided by Plainsboro.  I also changed the hours to be 29 hours per week (Due to ACA officers would have to be under 30 hours per week or 130 hours per month so that we do not trigger benefits after a six month lookback period).  Once going to 29 hours it requires hiring 8 officers to cover the shifts.  As such, I have increased the equipment budget.   On the budget document there are multiple tabs to review.  I have included it for your review.  The schedule tab lists all WW schools….the Plainsboro schools would model these schedules by grade level.


As we are meeting Tuesday, please send me any questions or concerns in advance to assist in advancing the conversation.


We are reviewing the question about unemployment and look forward to learning what Guy and Garf find out from North Brunswick and Howell.






David M. Aderhold

Superintendent of Schools

West Windsor – Plainsboro Regional School District

(609)716-5000 x5040



Please be advised that the Township of West Windsor is subject to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act. As such, any email sent or received by the Township may be subject to a records request.