

Marlena Schmid, Business Administraor and Joanne Louth, Chief Financial Officer of West Windsor Township will be attending on Monday, April 30, 2018 at 2:30pm.


Cynthia Rhymer

Assistant to Marlena Schmid

Business Administrator

West Windsor Township


From: Cancro, Anthony [mailto:acancro@plainsboronj.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 8:35 AM
To: Aderhold, David; Marlena Schmid; Russo, Christopher
Cc: Armour, Guy; Tavener, Fred; Mark Lee (Police); Rob Garofalo
Subject: RE: Class III Police Officers


Dave- Lt Tavener and I are available on 4/30 @ 230.   Anthony


From: Aderhold, David [mailto:David.Aderhold@ww-p.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 9:47 PM
To: Marlena Schmid <mschmid@westwindsortwp.com>; Russo, Christopher <Christopher.Russo@ww-p.org>; Cancro, Anthony <acancro@plainsboronj.com>
Cc: Armour, Guy <garmour@plainsboropolice.com>; Tavener, Fred <ftavener@plainsboropolice.com>; 'Mark Lee' <lee@westwindsorpolice.com>; 'garfo@westwindsorpolice.com' <garfo@westwindsorpolice.com>
Subject: Class III Police Officers


Good Evening,


Attached please find draft agreements and materials attained from North Brunswick Township as well as a draft excel chart for potential WWP Class III expenses/budget.


I would respectfully ask that we arrange a meeting with both police and business office representation to discuss a MOU and financial impact of Class III Officers.


Please let me know if you are able to attend a meeting on Monday, April 30th at 2:30 at the Board of Education Office.






David M. Aderhold

Superintendent of Schools

West Windsor – Plainsboro Regional School District

(609)716-5000 x5040


Please be advised that the Township of West Windsor is subject to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act. As such, any email sent or received by the Township may be subject to a records request.