Dave- Lt Tavener and I are available on 4/30 @ 230. Anthony
From: Aderhold, David [mailto:David.Aderhold@ww-p.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 9:47 PM
To: Marlena Schmid <mschmid@westwindsortwp.com>; Russo, Christopher <Christopher.Russo@ww-p.org>; Cancro, Anthony <acancro@plainsboronj.com>
Cc: Armour, Guy <garmour@plainsboropolice.com>; Tavener, Fred <ftavener@plainsboropolice.com>; 'Mark Lee' <lee@westwindsorpolice.com>; 'garfo@westwindsorpolice.com' <garfo@westwindsorpolice.com>
Subject: Class III Police Officers
Good Evening,
Attached please find draft agreements and materials attained from North Brunswick Township as well as a draft excel chart for potential WWP Class III expenses/budget.
I would respectfully ask that we arrange a meeting with both police and business office representation to discuss a MOU and financial impact of Class III Officers.
Please let me know if you are able to attend a meeting on Monday, April 30th at 2:30 at the Board of Education Office.
David M. Aderhold
Superintendent of Schools
West Windsor – Plainsboro Regional School District
(609)716-5000 x5040