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Meeting of the Township Council of West Windsor, New Jersey, USA
on June 25, 2018 at 271 Clarksville Rd., West Windsor, NJ 08550.
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Video segments
Full meeting video:
Official town copy, also available on
Links to highlights follow.
- Presentation by West Windsor-Plainsboro Superintendent of Schools David Aderhold, on the topic of daily presence of "Class 3" (i.e. armed) police officers in the public schools. On May 8, 2018 there was an initial
presentation to the School Board by the Superintendent and the two PDs of the district.
Questions to Dr. Aderhold and WWPD spokesman on the shared services agreeement
(Original PDF |
Searchable text)
- Public comment period #1 begins ...
- West Windsor Town Court Jester Alok Sharma mugs for the camera behind a speaker attempting to address the serious topic of school safety and use of armed security. (Sharma is also leader of the West Windsor Republican Club.)
- Superintendent Aderhold chooses to provide no answers to any questions from the public raised during public comment period.
- Public comment period #2 begins ...
Resolution 2018-R157
On the original agenda was
Resolution 2018-R157 Urging the Legislature to Amend S-716, S-477 and S-1766.
This resolution was intended to voice the Town's opinion that part of the proposed extensions of NJ's statute of
limitations for crimes of sexual molestation should be curbed in scope, in order potentially to save the
Township some money. It was combined with other, unrelated money-saving measures. After a public speaker
commented that combining these initiatives together was utterly bizarre, the Resolution was removed from the agenda.
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