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Meeting of the Township Council of West Windsor, New Jersey, USA on November 27, 2017 at 271 Clarksville Rd., West Windsor, NJ 08550.

November 27, 2017 Meeting Links: Agenda | Minutes | Video (official) | Video (YouTube)

Vote to Reject Human Relations Council Nominee

On the Agenda was resolution 2017-R296 intended to fill one of several open slots on the Human Relations Council. Below is the discussion and vote not to confirm the appointee.

Voting "Yes": A. Hamilton; A. Miller
Abstaining: J. Bahree; L. Geevers

Discussion Participants:

Council (4): J. Bahree, L. Geevers, A. Hamilton, A. Miller
Mayor: S. Hsueh
Business Administrator: M. Schmid
Attorney: M. Herbert
Clerk: S. Young

Below is the discussion beginning at 50:13 into the video and running for 11.5 minutes through 1:01:43.

MILLER: Everything's going to be pulled. So let's start with a resolution because it is first on the agenda.

BAHREE: Okay, I was just wondering that this is a new member for the Human Relations Council, and their term will be coincident with the new administration to be sworn in in January, so should we not be waiting for Mr. Marathe to be back from his trip so, you know, we can all be in on that.

HSUEH: I think I just want to say a few things here. Give me ...

MILLER: Well, I have a very quick comment.

HSUEH: OK, sure.

MILLER: To put this in perspective, there are five members of the Human Relations Council up for reappointment, and that will be up to Mr. Marathe to appoint them, and there are four empty seats.

HSUEH: Yes ...

MILLER: So, this is merely an elected official doing his duty 'til the end of his term, and it isn't as if there aren't plenty of decisions for Mr. Marathe to make.

HAMILTON: I mean, he is still the Mayor.

HSUEH: I also wanted to mention the reason I would like to appoint him was because I happened to meet with him at one of the non-profit organizations, dealing with -- it's called Enable, Inc., you know that organization -- try to help disadvantaged adults and children to make sure they get the support from the community. And he is on the board of trustees of Enable, Inc. And after talking to him I know he's got personal family experience. That's why he's contributing a lot of his time trying to help other people. And this is the kind of people we need for Human Relations Council. As long as I'm concerned in my 16 years, I'm always looking for people with that kind of background to help this town, to bring everybody together. And to me, it's my ... a Mayor of authority, to at least ... all of this "term's up" ... yes, it will be up to the next Mayor. But for the vacant position ... it's still my authority to fill them. And this has been the standard practice. I just hope the Council will understand the governmental system at this level and how we do it. The reason he got appointed is because of his personal experience. I kind of feel in our community we need to have people with that kind of experience.

MILLER: Thank you.

HSUEH: And knowing the family's burden, and needs help, and knowing how to help other people.

MILLER: So I think that this is a special person who would be very helpful on the Human Relations Council. And I will never forget what my predecessor Robert Murray, a former Mayor, said, during a very interesting discussion in June of 1993. He said that he had been elected to serve until June 30 and he was going to serve until June 30. So Shing is merely following in the tradition of former Mayors and committee people and Council people. As I said, it isn't as if this is the only seat left.

HAMILTON: Well, Jyotika, I have a question for you. Is it a conceptual issue of appointing someone while we have a new mayor coming in, or do you have a problem with this particular candidate?

BAHREE: No, just, exact-- you are exactly right, it's a conceptual issue. And so I mean, I understand what the Mayor's position is, but I just don't feel comfortable about supporting the appointment of someone ...

HAMILTON: I mean you acknowledge he's still the Mayor, right?

BAHREE: ... supporting the appointment of someone whose term will be coincident with the new Mayor's, and you know, having that person be in on it. I mean I just think that ...

HAMILTON: Would you ... Do you acknowledge that he's still the Mayor?

BAHREE: Oh yeah, of course he is.

HAMILTON: Yeah, and his term isn't up yet.

BAHREE: It's all ... What I'm saying is maybe we could defer this to a point where, you know, we could all be in on it.

HAMILTON: Well I'm gonna ask our counsel on the procedural issue. Do I just call the question now and move this?

HERBERT: You are allowed to call the question.

HAMILTON: I'm going to call it.

GEEVERS: Why don't you just move it to the next meeting, when Hemant's back. We're in like transition right now.

HAMILTON: I'm gonna call the question and move that this application be approved.

MILLER: Do we need a second when she's called the question? I don't think we moved and seconded it ...

GEEVERS: I don't-- I don't think so, but, you know, if you'd wait one more meeting.

MILLER: Usually one calls the question to end debate on something that has been moved and seconded, but this has not been moved and seconded.

HERBERT: No, she's trying to end ... she's calling it to end debate and move it to it being moved.

GEEVERS: Well we really didn't debate it, honestly.

HERBERT: Then don't ... approve ...

MILLER: Well, here's my question, if this is ... if this goes down to defeat, what's the procedure to put it back on the agenda for the next meeting.

HAMILTON: You're the Council President. You put it back on the agenda.

HERBERT: You put it back on the agenda.

MILLER: But it's the ...

GEEVERS: Isn't it ... wouldn't it be somebody that voted in favor, would be able to place it back, to, yes. Would be able to call it back, to be able to place it on to the next meeting. So just put it on the next meeting. Hemant'll be back.

HAMILTON: These political games are an absolute waste of time. This is a citizen of West Windsor who is stepping up to volunteer. Our Mayor, who is still the Mayor for the next, what, 32 days, is doing what a Mayor's supposed to do. It's absurd that you would question this.

BAHREE: I have nothing against the ... you know what, I mean, I have nothing against the candidate at all. You know, and like you yourself pointed out, it's a conceptual thing, and ...

HAMILTON: No, I asked you if it was a conceptual-- I don't have a problem with the Mayor doing his job right now.

BAHREE: Well you said that was an option and that's exactly what I'm thinking.

HAMILTON: Marlena, you have a question?

SCHMID: Just a suggestion. I know that the Human Relations Commission is going to be very busy in January because of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. They do have a very successful program. And ...

HAMILTON: And they're down five members now?

SCHMID: I'm just ... this is why I mention this ...

HAMILTON: That's a really good point. And those programs don't just happen in twenty days. People work on 'em for months. So go ahead and tank the program, because you're playing a political game. That's really disturbing.

BAHREE: I completely disagree with that.

MILLER: Well, I understand ...

BAHREE: Are we able to put it on the agenda for the next meeting?

MILLER: Of course. But I really urge you all to vote for this person. He is obviously not a political appointee. He is obviously somebody who has been involved deeply in caring for people in West Windsor. "Enable" is one of those non-profits that houses and educates people who are special-needs, and ... The terms on the Human Relations Council are only two years. And, as I said, there are five spots up for re-appointment. There are four empty spots. Please let's just fill one of them and move forward.

MILLER: So ...

HAMILTON: So, what do I ... move this?

MILLER: If you move it, I will second it, and we can at least vote on who wants to go on with it.

HERBERT: Remember, we have four members, and if it's a two-two, it's a vote "no."

MILLER: But if it is a failure, as Council President I have the right to put it back on when we have five?

HERBERT: You do.

GEEVERS: Because you voted in favor of it.

HERBERT: If you vote in favor of it.

GEEVERS: If you vote in favor of it.

MILLER: That's OK.

HAMILTON: So, procedurally, I will move this application for approval, and for appointment of Sujit Singh to the Human Relations Council.

GEEVERS: Can I amend ... can I amend that to move it to the next meeting?

HERBERT: You would have to ... she's already made the move. She would have to agree to your amendment.

GEEVERS: And I need a second, so ...

HAMILTON: I don't agree to the amendment.

HERBERT: She's the mover. She has the second. It's now on the floor.

MILLER: Linda has ...

HERBERT: ... for further discussion ...

MILLER: I will ... the Chair will second. I think we've discussed this to death. I think this is a matter of whether Council is willing to move forward and make what I consider to be a good call, and what some of you are hesitant to. I mean this is ... it's Council's ...

GEEVERS: Well, I think it would be good for Hemant to have an opportunity to maybe talk with him, so ...

HAMILTON: Well, he's coming here, right?

GEEVERS: He's not here.

MILLER: He will have an opportunity to talk to eight people in a thirteen-person -- including one student -- group.

GEEVERS: One meeting's not gonna make a difference, but, if you want to vote, go vote.

BAHREE: I just want to understand, conceptually if we were to move it to the next meeting, what ...

HERBERT: You can't move it at this point. It's now a motion on the floor. It has to be voted upon. The motion to approve this appointment.

MILLER: I think that it is the Council's job to make these decisions, and I'm ...

BAHREE: Can I ... can I abstain?

MILLER: Of course you can abstain.

HERBERT: You can abstain. But unfortunately, if you abstain and the Councilwoman, Geevers, votes "no," then it still fails. Your abstention becomes a "no," it's like voting, "no."

GEEVERS: Well, two abstentions becomes ...

HERBERT: They are ... they function as "no" votes ...

GEEVERS: ... as "no's."

HAMILTON: So just so we're clear, right, your job up here is to vote. But go ahead and abstain, that's fine, right?

HSUEH: I just wanted to say something here.

HAMILTON: It's a slap in the face to people who are trying to volunteer.

HSUEH: I have been elected as Council and Mayor for 24 and a half years. I have never seen anything like this tonight. And I'm sorry to see it happen tonight.

HAMILTON: Well I think what this is, is a precursor of what's to come. I am absolutely appalled that we are slapping in the face someone who has stepped up to volunteer, who has been vetted by the Mayor, who, I mean, what do we do, call the question? Now we call the question?

MILLER: Yeah, now you can call the question.

HAMILTON: It'll stop me from talking.

YOUNG: Bahree?

BAHREE: Abstain.

YOUNG: Geevers?

GEEVERS: Abstain.

YOUNG: Hamilton?


YOUNG: Miller?


YOUNG: The motion does not carry.

HERBERT: Motion failed.

MILLER: Well, I can announce right now as Council President, I voted "Yes," I have a right to put this on. It will be on the next meeting. And I assure that Councilman Marathe will be hearing from a lot of people. I hear someone in the audience saying, "He's going to hear from us," so a lot more people.

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